March 24, 2004

Vang Viang

Category : Cambodia

Well after and adventurous 6 hour bus journey wer arrive at vang viang.

Discover its like a nothing see side viallge with a speciality of inner tubing.

The bus journey was unique we get a VIP bus with airconditioning which shows a loas pop video full volume and turns the airconditioning off when approaching hills. The whoel journey was hills so consequently the bus overheated and broke down for an hour. They were replacing wires and bits and collecting buckets of water from streams.

An annoying isreali girl told a german off for smoking on the bus and also asked teh driver to slow down. We were more concerned he got there at all than drive the steep winding roads at speed.

We get there and all there is to do is pick your DVD sit on a bed while eating Piza and watch the DVD while drinking beer. I came all this way to do what I do at home .... great!

Next day was tubing after the usual internet breakfast etc (in that order). They give you a giant tyre sprayed in orange (changes colour each day), a tuk tuk drops you down one end of teh river and you float to the other. No one tells you where or when to stop but there are drink stops on the way...

I have never seen such scenery beautiful mountains, cattle grazing in rivers. people fishing it was excellent...

then after 3 hrs you like aren't we there yet. To give you an idea in rainy season its a bit more of a rush. It takes you 1 and a half hours. In dry season in the baking sun it takes 3 or more plus stops.

I am now 3 colours, my arms are golden brown, my other bits are ivory white and the bits in the middle lobster red and painful...even with factor 35.

Next night it was a DVD of the george clooney and catheribne zeta jones film (awful) followed by in the line of fire. The night before it wa the complete series of fiends.

Next day we are up for our VIP bus to Vientene only be told there's no room we have to take an earlier minibus. We said we weren't paying more and Brenda had to leave her banana pankakes she was craving for.

Posted by alexd at March 24, 2004 01:52 PM