May 21, 2004


Category :

I have just had a culture shock. I'm back in the western world, except everyone says no worries here! Take me back to Thailand where its warm and there are palm trees, beaches, jungles and did I say warmth already! It's bloody freezing here, and I have my little vest top. BRRRRRRRR!

I arrange to stay at a youth hostel called the Britania... No i didn't pick it for the name, just because its the official YMCA. I get here about 8 absolutely shatted see my room, and think "oh god the worst accomodation ever". I have my own prison sell but not with a dunny. It's a small room and I have sheets to make the beds up. Theirs shared bathrooms... oh i want my hut.

So I go for a wander and discover I am in the red light district... great, just like the bangkok ping pong balls (thats another story). I find a streat with loads of restaurants and have an italian cray fish dinner with safron rice... I want thai food. Been bitching about thai food while there, now I am not I am craving my chicken with cashew nuts.

Here everything is huge portions and covered in rich sauces. Cant eat much of it, but did have a couple of glasses of white wine... wow have I missed this.

Maybe things will look better in the morning.

They do, the youth hostel is great its like being in halls again. Actually I never did halls I shared a place... but its how I thought or knew halls were like. I can make my own tea and coffe have sussed out the laundry. God that was a feat forgot how to use a laundry washing machine with coins... think I have had too much luxury... and hang out with the guys in the smoking room. Just like halls, whoopee I am returning to my youth... well I have had a couple of people think I was between 24 and 29... no one thought 30+ ...thats what being daft and immature and clowning around on holiday can do.... this is fab this travelling lark.

Anyway today I am on a mission, pair of trainers, as my cut foot hurts in sandles, and a pair of jeans as am sick of my own clothes... I have worn the same thing every day for two months and more. I can't help it if my wardrobe's black so I treat myself to some funky with it 14 year old style clothes. Well no ones gonna see me at home if I look like a tit... and even better can now get into a size 10.... whoopee!

Decide I better do some sight seeing, so go and look at the rainbow tower by the river. Beautiful glass and stainless steel tower (not big). It has a brown concrete wings around it that are supposed to be sails but to me makes it look like a giant bug. Its amazing really beautiful.

Next the royal mint where i see them melting gold. Good performance, but they wouldn't let me take a sample... damn!

Then an art gallery. The western austrailia art gallery. Didn't like the normal stuff, the best was college students fine art display, was actually amazing, loved that. Well had to get a bit of culture in somewhere.

Then tonight a movie I think. I have just returned from seeing troy, and think it is the biggest piece of crap ever... and I mean ever. It's way to long, they ruin greek mythology and make odeseus (favourite greek character) look like a woosey, and Brad Pitt is pathetic (although nice thighs). Script is awful, so is the editing. The special effects were good, but its just not gladiator calibre. Sorry to go on, but was awful.

Now back at the youth histol ready to pack again... am now really hating rucksack with a passion, the contents keep growing when i am not looking, even though i am not buying anything... excpet the jeans of course.

Have to be up at 5.30 ready for my tour of western austrailia. Supposed to meet them in a car park, but the car park they describe is currently a work site, so not sure what will happen.

Anyway, I am not sure what will happen on this tour as its 19 days, with a three day stop over in broom, and its outback so may not be near an internet cafe, so will email what's happened after that.

Posted by alexd at May 21, 2004 04:33 PM