February 08, 2006

Baby coming


Baby number 2 is on its way it would seem. Vicky started contractions at 4am this morning, only a week late. She's sat on the sofa now, quite flaked out from no sleep and in a fair bit of pain every 5 mins or so. All's going well.

Bit annoyed with the midwife, well one of them. We've been saying all along we want a homebirth, and she's been saying, "Well, if we have the staff at the time then ok". I called the hospital this morning at 7:30 to be told by the midwife there, that we weren't booked for a homebirth, and we should have booked. It would seem that the person we had been telling had all along planned to not give us one. Just the kind of thing you want to find out on the day !

Well no time to be pissed off now, much better things to be doing :-)

8:50 - Water's broke about 5 mins ago, midwife coming within next 5 mins. Vicky's mopping her brow with wet cloth.

8:55 - widwife here, says the contractions are quite good, strong. Contractions 3 mins apart now, but up and down in strength.

Posted by nickh at February 8, 2006 08:31 AM

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