August 17, 2011

Spud Time

Had a big spud-digging session yesterday. Although not actually all that much digging at all, as they have all been grown in bags this year. Which is really quite handy when it comes to lifting them!

5 types lifted yesterday, one had already been and gone (and I've no idea where they went, which is a bit worrying!). So now all I have to do is find my diagram of what was where!

For notes, before I forget: (back to front)
* main crop
* lifted these, they are white with red - rudolph?
* 2nd early, still growing
* 2nd early, still growing
* lifted - very low yield, but huge spuds
* lifted - average-low yield, quite large
* lifted - quite a lot of small yellowish ones
* lifted - average-good yield of smallish.
* already lifted, were small
* main crop

Posted by Andwynn at August 17, 2011 12:28 PM